Hello there internet goer!
I am Charlie Dix (also known as IrregularCharlie) and though I am currently depicting myself as a floating skull seemingly being invaded by a fungal species that forces me to puke rainbows, rest assured I am actually human.
I have been creating 2D digital content for over 10 years both independently and within a team, usually to hard deadlines and occasionally to very specific specifications. I have experience in the Adobe Creative Suite and am very proficient in most industry standard 2D animation software but most notably ToonBoom Harmony, Adobe Animate and Spine. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Animation from Worcester University and a Master’s degree from Arts University Bournemouth in Animation Production.
Since completing my studies, I have worked as a Character Animator for Brum the animated series being produced by Smashedbits; again as an Character Animator for Complete Control, a Character Animator for Nessy Learning and a Generalist Animator for Lucid Graphics. Additional projects include work as a Producer on student animated films which gave me an appreciation of the behind-the-scenes management and communication required for an animated production and I've worked as the sole animator on a short animated kickstarter video called Monster Peppers. I've worked with Purrnelope's Country Club as the Lead Artist/Animator and some of my work was briefly put up in New Times Square, New York. I also worked as a Lead Senior Animator at Aniboxx working on a variety of projects, teaching Toonboom to interns, providing feedback on completed animated pieces and producing a number of animated shots per day/week. Most recently I am working part-time as an Asset Creator/Artist and Animator for The Gamecrafter's Collective.
In my previous independent projects I have developed practical experience in all stages of the animation process, most notably during the production of my own animated series 100 Worlds Away which included creating my own storyboards, scripts, animatics etc etc.
Examples of my work can be found on this site.